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Friday, March 11, 2011

FIFA: Bletter expresses sympathy to Japan

FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter has sent a message of sympathy to Japan following the massive earthquake which hit the country Friday, March 11, 2011.

The quake, measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale, unleashed huge tsunami that crashed into Japan's eastern coastline, sweeping boats, cars, and tons of debris miles inland.

The FIFA Presiden sent a message to Junji Ogura, a member of the FIFA Executive Committee and President of the Japanese FA which read: "I have been following with the sadness the new of the terrible tragedy in your country and I would like to express my deep sympathy to the people of Japan. The quake struck at 2.46pm local time and was followed by1 2 powerful aftershock, seven of them at least 6.3 of the Richter scale, the size of the quake which struck New Zealand on 22 Februari.

It struck at a deep of six miles (10km), about 80 miles (125km) off the eastern coast, Japan's meteorological agency said. The area is 240 miles (380km) north east of Tokyo.

"On behalf of FIFA, I wish to extend our moral support and to let you know that our thoughts are with the victims, the injured, and their families", added the FIFA President.

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